cadCAD Hacks - Season 1
The most comprehensive collection of intermediate level cadCAD methodologies on the web. If you're using cadCAD professionally, this is where you pick up the latest tipps&tricks.
13 Video Lectures
cadCAD Edu Code Standards
Industry-leading instructors
Prepares for Masterclass
Open-source Notebooks
Course Forum & Q&A
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What course reviewers say
cadCAD Hacks is an essential learning resource for anyone modeling and simulating complex systems. Another hit from the cadCAD Edu team!
Jeff Emmett
Token Engineering Research Lead, TOKEN ENGINEERING COMMONS
Token Engineering Research Lead, TOKEN ENGINEERING COMMONS
cadCAD Hacks is a huge addition to the Token Engineering space. Quick, punchy nuggets of knowledge for making better open source economic models. Praise!
Griff Green, Founder Giveth AND COMMONS STACK
Danilo is a master of his craft and really knows how to get the most out of cadCAD. This series is a must-watch for anyone who wants a complete mastery of complex systems engineering and cadCAD.
cadCAD Hacks provides an amazing swiss army knife to leverage your modeling skills. It's perfect for students who just did the Bootcamp or more experienced developers who want to boost their current projects.
Vitor marthendal, ElectRIcal Engineering Student
Extremely powerful to make your models more useable. cadCAd Hacks provides fantastic insight into how to actually operationalize your newly established skills in a professional setting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this lecture series for?
Intermeditate and advanced System Engineers, Software Engineers, Data Scientists, Data Economists and anybody else who is interested in using cadCAD professionally or simply in discovering its vast universe of possibilities.
Any prerequisites to be aware of?
This lecture series has a fast pace and assumes general python and cadCAD fluency. At a minimum you should have successfully completed an intermediate Python course and the cadCAD Complete Foundations Bootcamp.
Is this a systems engineering course?
cadCAD Hacks introduces the mechanics of intermediate cadCAD methodologies using illustrative code examples. Same as the Complete Foundations Bootcamp, it is NOT designed to teach systems engineering per se.
What will I have learned and be able to do by the end of Season 1
You will have vastly expanded your cadCAD horizons and will have developed a greatly enhanced intuition regarding cadCAD's broad application potential in real-world systems engineering situations. You will feel confident adding cadCAD modeling & simulation as a real skillset to your professional resume.
How long does it take to complete the course?
cadCAD Hacks has been designed as a continuous education format. The lectures drop on a weekly basis so students have time to get immersed in the content. Each Season has 12 lectures which become available over a 3 months period.
Is this a certificate course?
You can unlock and print a Certificate of Completion for each cadCAD Hacks Season after successfully completing all 12 quizzes. You can retake exam only once.
Meet the Team
The squad behind the course
Jonathan Gabler
Jonathan is a Web 3 entrepreneur with a passion for product-market fit and kite surfing. He supported BlockScience in open-sourcing cadCAD, and initiated the first public cadCAD forum early 2019.
Danilo Bernadinelli
Danilo is a cadCAD Edu's Simulation Lead, and as data scientist and cadCAD engineer routinely works on the most complex Web 3 protocols. Ultra-distance cycling is his favorite spare time activity.
Benjamin Scholtz
Benjamin is a full-stack software developer, professional systems engineer, and radCAD maintainer. When he’s not hacking, he’s in the mountains and seas of Cape Town.